1. Land owners could grab prop slots on their lands
Prop replacement rules
- Drills in the protection period could not be replaced by any other drills
- Landowners could grab ANY slots, not in the protection period on their lands. (Also, if the landowner sets a low-class and low-level drill, others could grab back.)
Prop A: New, props to be deployed
Prop B: Props that have been deployed on the equipment bar
- The replacement of prop A/prop B can happen under any of the following conditions(if prop B is not within the protection period):
- The class of prop A is higher than the class of prop B
- The class of prop A is equal to the class of prop B
- The level of prop A is higher than the level of prop B
Tips: 1–3 means Class 1 Level 3
Class: Could be upgraded by add resources token or resources — RING LP token
Level: Couldn’t be upgraded
- Could others use 1–1 drills out of protection period to grab the slot with landowners 1–3 drills? (No)
- Could others use 1–3 drills out of protection period to grab the slot with landowners 1–3 drill? (No)
- Could others use 2–1 drills out of protection period to grab the slot with landowners 1–3 drills? (Yes)
- Could others use 1–3 drills out of protection period to grab the slot with landowners 1–2 drill? (Yes)
- Could I use 1–3 drills to grab the slot with other’s 2–3 drills out of protection period on my land? (Yes)
- Could others grab the slots with 1–3 drill with his 1–3 drill? (No)
- Could others grab the slots with 1–3 drill with his 2–1 drill? (Yes)
2. Class 2 Drills on the Dawning continent release!
Do you feel it’s too slow for class 1 drills? Class 2 drills could meet your requirement!
Tips: 1–3 means Class 1 Level 3
Class: Could be upgraded by add resources token or resources — RING LP token
Level: Couldn’t be upgraded
The base efficiency bonus is the sum of the resources excavated by all the apostles on the land where the drill is placed. For example, if there are 5 apostles working on the land, 3 apostles produce 5 FIRE per day, and 2 apostles produce 2 HHO per day, setting a FIRE enhanced class 2 level 3 drill will bring you 5*(60+60)%=6 FIRE per day.
When a Drill(higher than class 0) is deployed to inventory, it enjoys a certain period of protection; during which, the item replacement rule is suppressed. This grace period is a globally manageable variable, and at some point in the future, the Drill owner will be able to consume a certain potion to extend it.
3. Landowners on the Dawning continent could remove others’ apostles
Are you annoying about your lands brought from the resale market was filled with others apostles?
Now, you could remove them by clicking the apostles then click the drive button!